IT Services for Credit Unions That Help You Stay Compliant & Deliver Superior Member Service

You Know It’s Possible to Leverage Technology for Greater Operational Efficiency, But You’re Missing Expert IT Services for Credit Unions.

  • Do you struggle with deploying, managing, and maintaining your systems in a way that keeps up with business cycles?
  • Do you get overwhelmed trying to prepare for a state or federal exam given your current data security measures?
  • Do you find difficulty when it comes to implementing or modifying applications to meet your evolving requirements?


“Always Prompt & Friendly Service!!”

Chantelle M.Credit Union Customer | Kincheloe, MI

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you need a technology support partner that specializes in working with credit unions. But you already know that… After all, you’re here reading this right now for a reason, right?

Trust the Experts, the Same Way Your Members Trust You.

In the financial services world, you need to demonstrate expertise when it comes to providing products and services to your members. This is key to retaining those members, and in turn, succeeding in your overall efforts. Just like your members come to you for your expertise, you need to turn to a technology support company for their expertise.

Think about it this way… Every credit union is unique in terms of lending practices. Even your loan origination software needs modifications to meet your unique requirements. More importantly, you have to prepare for exams and audits – a complicated task for even the most technically-savvy financial experts.

RedRock Information Security has extensive experience working with credit unions throughout Michigan. We specialize in managing your information systems, helping you make sense of complex FFIEC regulations, and offering expert exam guidance. We even have a former state examiner on our team to help you out.

IT Services For Credit Unions

What Do Our IT Services for Credit Unions Include?

If you’re ready to feel peace of mind in terms of compliance while delivering superior member service, here’s what we can provide:

  1. An experienced team of financial technology experts, including a former state examiner who can assist with all of your compliance efforts.
  2. Comprehensive managed services, including around-the-clock monitoring, regular maintenance, onsite and remote support, and more.
  3. Cybersecurity solutions, such as firewalls, anti-virus, secure remote access, intrusion detection, and more.
  4. Software implementation, configuration, and ongoing support for a range of leading applications.
  5. Assistance with creating a long-term technology plan to help you maintain a competitive advantage.
  6. Business continuity planning, information security policies, and data breach response plans.

Get the IT Services for Credit Unions You Need.

  1. Book a meeting with our team of financial technology experts at your convenience
  2. Find out exactly what services will allow you to achieve compliance and superior member service
  3. Enjoy knowing you’re prepared for a state or federal exam with secure, seamless operations

Information Technology Aligned With Your Business Goals?
RedRock is a complete IT services & IT support company working with organizations in Michigan.